I think I've mentioned that when I'm stressed, I bake. Well, lately I've been under a considerable amount of stress. On Sunday night, I had to bake something.
This recipe harkens back to a peach crisp I made in OCNJ in 2006. My step-father had rented a house down in OC for us to have our vacation. During one of his visits to the shore house, he brought fresh Jersey peaches that were just perfectly ripe. And they were delectable! Of course, my stepfather being the generous man that he is bought about a bushel of them! There was no way to eat them before they'd go bad! So...necessity being the mother of invention, this recipe was born.
To Aldify (I'm working on adding this to the dictionary!) it, I had to alter the peaches, but it turned out really well.
Hope you try, hope you like it, and don't forget to add the whipped cream or the ice cream!
Peach Crisp
1 Can Fit & Active Peach slices in light syrup
1 Cup Millville Quick Cooking Oats
1/2 Cup Baker's Corner Light Brown Sugar
1/4 Cup Grandma's Best Flour
pinch of Sebree Salt
6 Tbs. Country Creamery Unsalted Butter
Open and drain peaches well. Pour in to a shallow 8" or 9" pie plate.
In a bowl mix together flour, brown sugar, oats and salt. Melt butter in microwave or slowly on the stove. Mix into flour/sugar mixture.
Sprinkle/spread this over the top of the peaches.
Bake at 375 for 30-40 minutes (until oat mixture is browned and crispy looking).
Allow to set for about 5 minutes before digging in!
NOTE: I'll come back later to add the cost, I need to dig out some receipts since some of the ingredients have been in my pantry a while!